Nimble CRM for Solopreneurs

Are You Thinking About Implementing Nimble CRM on Your Own?

Why not? Nimble CRM is extremely easy to use, priced very attractively, and there are literally tons of how-to videos that are available on YouTube. There is nothing wrong with saving a few bucks!

That being said, is it the best route for you and your company? There are several considerations. Let’s start with getting ready to put Nimble to work for you …

  1. If you are moving from a previous system to Nimble, how comfortable will  you be with making that transition?  Garbage In does equal Garbage Out.
  2. Will you be needing to create custom fields in Nimble? While you can do this at any time, if you are moving data into Nimble and a standard field to accept that data is not already in place, you will need to create a custom field(s) first.
  3. How are you with things like privacy settings, connecting email and calendars, as well as importing contact records from Outlook or Google? 
  4. Have you established processes for things like how you will qualify new leads and sales opportunities?
  5. The list goes on …

Then there is the time needed and that includes both yours and your peoples’. You have videos to discover, filter, organize, watch, and discuss. The same holds true for navigating, disseminating, and absorbing support articles. What happens when you can’t find answers to your unique questions and needs? Then you still  have to implement all of it.

Unfortunately, this could mean that you will do it once, discover that it won’t work in the manner that you had envisioned, and then you may have to start all over again. One thing about YouTube and articles … you can ask them all of the questions you want, but they will never answer you back.

Every business that I have worked with has their own unique needs. How can you leverage Nimble to receive its maximum benefit for your business needs? Nimble is more than just a contact manager and there are multiple ways to approach any challenge. The question then becomes … what is the best way for your needs?

My background is in B2B sales and management and I have personally used CRM since the late 80’s and I have been a Nimble Solution Partner since day one. I know Nimble inside and out and what I don’t know, I find out.

You are going to invest $1,000 to $1,500 for my services and I will have you up and running after 4 to 6 sessions (on average). We will conduct your training in one to two hour sessions on Zoom, which are recorded, on a schedule that meets your needs. I will have created session folders for you with support articles, a session plan, and worksheets.

When we have finished, you will be fully set to leverage Nimble to increase your efficiencies and your revenues! How many sales, or how many hours, will you need to make or save in order to justify hiring me to assist? Probably not much.

If you are interested in discussing Nimble and my services further, please feel free to book a complimentary 30 minute Zoom consultation with me!

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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