Business Networking 101 – Rules to Live By

I recently developed this networking checklist for a client and felt that I might share it with everyone. Becoming an effective business networker, while it does require work, is a relatively simple process. However, the potential rewards are enormous.

I have previously owned and operated for-profit professional networking groups. While I spent the majority of my career in B2B management positions, I spent my later years in commission sales, by choice. During that time, I never made a cold call. I networked extensively and worked strictly on referrals.

In General …

Follow all of these rules for both traditional and social networking …

  • Provide introductions and referrals to others you trust.
  • A good referral includes a name, company name, email, phone, and the reason for the referral. Copy both parties if done via email.
  • Teach others to do the same for you.
  • Keep the referrer advised of your progress and results.
  • Give a referral before asking for one.
  • Promote other partners.
  • Engage with them socially in addition to face-to-face.
  • Use social sites to learn more about your prospects and connections. LinkedIn is the board room, Facebook the neighborhood BBQ, and X is the Wild Wild West. Research their websites. Do not do this anonymously! Announce that you have done your due diligence.

Traditional Networking Groups & Events

Traditional face-to-face networking, whether in a group or an event setting, has its own set of rules. Follow these and reap the rewards!

  • A good elevator pitch.
  • Describe a good lead for you.
  • Make your needs known. If you are trying to reach a person or a company, ask if anyone can help.
  • Strong attendance – 100%.
  • Bring something to every meeting.
  • Never pass up on an opportunity to present to the group or to take on a leadership role.
  • Identify potential power partners in the group and meet outside of the group.
  • Thank publicly and privately those who refer you or who provided a good lead that worked out for you.

Social Networking

Social networking, on sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook, are tremendous opportunities, but they present their own unique sets of challenges. A large part of this is due to the overwhelming volume of folks on these sites in addition to what they are sharing. It’s crowded and you need to be able to stand out from the herd.

  • Focus on those sites where your target prospects and partners are found.
  • Make sure that your social profiles are looking professional.
  • Configure your profile for search with keywords. Potential clients are looking for you! Make your contact information visible to everyone.
  • Use search to find your target connections and potential opportunities.
  • In this order! Follow, like, comment, request connection (personalize!), engage, and nurture.
  • Share things of interest to your followers and your target audience.
  • Photos of recent projects are excellent! Use these to also promote your clients. Visual posts are always good!
  • Education trumps promotion. Educate your followers on your business and services.
  • Promote your clients and your followers/connections.
  • Refer and provide introductions where appropriate.
  • Filter your news feed to weed out those who are not of interest.
  • Monitor your news feeds daily. Who are your connections talking to and what are they talking about?
  • Write recommendations where appropriate.

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Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
Craig M. Jamieson

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