Nimble CRM for Solopreneurs

Do Your Homework Before You Make That Call!

I’m probably not that much different than a lot of salespeople. I have a high sense of urgency and a short attention span. Combine the two and it can spell disaster! Consequently, in my efforts to move along to the next task, I have a tendency to take shortcuts whenever they conveniently present themselves. In my defense, I am extremely well organized, never forget an appointment or a promise, and will always find the time to respond to requests (or opportunities to engage) in a timely and complete manner. This is all being said, I am squandering many opportunities to leverage that work that I have already accomplished in manners that would increase my revenues. In short, I desperately need to slow down and do my homework before I make that next sales call! 

Homework can actually be divided into two distinct activities …

  • To begin with, I need to keep accurate notes on activities and meetings and be sure those are entered into my Nimble Social CRM before I move on to my next task. This includes setting reminders for my next follow-up calls. This is the foundation that my home will be built on. Having no desire to live in a used double-wide, this had better be a good foundation! I also need to make sure that record information is complete as I create them. This would include (at the very least): name, title, company name, address, phone #, email, all social network profiles. Unless these activities are completed, I will have no hope of ever leveraging this information as I move on to my second activity which is selling. Or better put … how I make money, pay my bills, and participate in those things that put a smile on Craig’s face.
  • Now, before I make my next sales call, once again, I must discipline myself to slow down. I can only speak for myself but, slow is not in my vocabulary. I literally have two speeds and two speeds only, fast and stop, so slow is very very difficult for me. However, if I can master this, my sales will increase as I will be better prepared for every call and preparation always leads to opportunity. Some people call this luck.

What can I do before I pick up that phone or head out that door?  Having accurate records in Nimble will allow me to …

  • Review notes from previous meetings.
  • Go over emails previously exchanged.
  • Take a closer look at my contact’s social network profiles in addition to being able to see what he or she is talking about right now.
  • Look over previous engagements that we have had on these same networks.
  • Review any deals that we might have in progress. Are the deal stages accurate and up-to-date?
  • What other tasks might I have set for this account? Have they been completed and/or on they on schedule to be completed on time? What updates can I provide my customer?

Armed with this information, I can now plan my call before I make it and, you know what they say … “fail to plan and you plan to fail”. Me, I’d rather succeed!

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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