Nimble CRM for Solopreneurs

How I Train Businesses to Use Nimble CRM

It took me a while, but I have now created a standardized system for training businesses on the best use of Nimble CRM. Better yet, this system is easily customized for an individual business’s needs.

A couple of years ago, with encouragement from others, I embarked on creating a complete online training course for Nimble CRM. I had my concerns about this and I should have listened to them. I knew that I could figure out how to create it, but I had no idea of how to market it and I ain’t no stinkin’ marketer.

Well, several thousand dollars and several hundred hours later … It has been an abysmal failure. It’s a good course, but nobody wants it. It’s still available, could probably use a refresh, but that’s not going to happen. Good money after bad. I’ll probably pull it down at the end of the year when it is time to renew my site subscription.

However, it was good training (for me) and the materials that I created for it have become an integral part of my new personalized training system. The eye opener was when people contacted me about the course, and despite the significant cost savings should they choose to go that route, folks wanted one-on-one training. It’s tough to ask a video a question and to expect a reply.

Depending on how deep a person or a company wants to get into Nimble, my personalized training can be offered as a 6, 9, or 12 hour package and all will share these common elements …

  1. Training is conducted during Zoom meetings of one to two hour sessions each. We can do one or two sessions each week, your call.
  2. I will create a training folder for you on Google Drive. This folder contains subfolders for each session.
  3. Training sessions are video recorded and uploaded to the appropriate folder after each session.
  4. Each folder also contains Nimble support articles, converted to a PDF format, that pertain to what we will cover for that session.
  5. There is also a master session document which outlines what we will discuss each week as well as things for you to work on prior to our next session.
  6. Recently I added a set of Nimble customization worksheets, for the client to review prior to our getting started, which will allow us to make better use of our actual live training time. 

Finally, as opposed to me showing you how to do this while looking at my Nimble account, you screen share your Nimble account with me and then grant me access to control it. In this way, we are customizing your account to meet your needs as we go along.

I created this system earlier this year and I am now using it with my 5th client. Like everything I do, my system is constantly evolving. I’m evolving too. I’m getting older so, if you would like my training on Nimble CRM, you had better catch me now before I take my dirt nap.

Questions? Book a free 30 minute Zoom consultation with me!

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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