Key Takeaways – Using Nimble CRM in a Sales Coach Role

This is something that I don’t get to do very often. While I am frequently implementing and training businesses on how to use Nimble CRM, I rarely (like never) have a chance to use it with a client in a practical application.

This year I was tasked with hiring and then training a sales rep for a local company. I know the company, its people, and their industry very well. As a part of coaching this individual, I also put them on Nimble CRM.

What Nimble has done for this task has been indispensable. It has allowed me to quickly identify the sales rep’s progress as well as those areas where they are struggling. Better yet, I can access all of this information/data at any time, any place, and from any of my devices.

Here are a few key takeaways …

The Today Page provides quick snapshots of deals sold, deal progress, open and past due tasks and reminders, and leads being worked.

Contact records are a complete depository of all data and engagements with this client including tasks, emails exchanged, and notes. Are they working this account consistently? Here are the answers.

Custom fields can be created and used for data that is important and unique to this company and their industry.

Lead sources can be used to quickly identify where opportunities are coming from. Are they call-ins, referrals, or the result of the individual rep’s prospecting activities?

Workflows, and let’s use a lead qualifying workflow, is a roadmap for a new sales rep. Are they following the process? If these leads are not moving, they will be marked as being “stuck”. The question is why?

Deal records and pipelines, like workflows, represent a process. In this case, it is the sales process roadmap. Also like workflows, deals that are “stuck” are identified.

Won/loss lists on deals provide a wealth of information beyond hard numbers. What do lost deals have in common? How about won deals? What is the rep’s closing ratio and what is their average deal size (won, loss, or total)?

Loss or unsuccessful reasons appear on both workflows and deal pipelines. These are invaluable in ascertaining where this individual may be struggling.

Ultimately, Nimble can be used to quickly identify areas for exploration, discussion, and improvement. This alone has made it an invaluable tool in my coaching practice!

Are you thinking about a CRM? If you would like to explore whether or not Nimble CRM might be right for you, please book a free 30-minute Zoom consultation with me by going to my calendar 

To learn more about our Nimble training and implementation services, please visit our Nimble CRM training services page. Thank you!

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
Craig M. Jamieson

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