Nimble CRM Tips & Updates – May 22 2024

LOTS of updates to announce! Let’s get the “still waiting” part taken care of first …

Group Message Scheduled Send 

I have been told that this will not be an imminent release. From experience, that could mean anything. I’m taking it off of my radar … for now.


Increased Message Send Limits

Dramatic increases have been released for message send limits and even more are available at a premium level. Your allowances are based on the number of users. Note that both traditional group messages and message sequences will count against these allowances. See the pricing page for specific allowances and read more here!

Message Sequencing

I was wrong about this being a premium feature … sort of. Message sequencing itself is free. The premium aspect is tied to the number of messages, not the number of sequence routines you choose to create or the number of contacts in sequences.

Now, consider this. You create a sequence with 7 possible messages (dependent on the conditions you set to exit successfully or unsuccessfully). If a contact goes through all 7 messages … pardon me while I work the math … that’s 7 messages. 100 people in the sequence X 7 = 700 messages counted against your allowance.

Sequencing Overview

Putting it simply, message sequencing is driven by conditions (triggers) and actions … If “yes”, do this (action). If “no”, do this instead (action). There are a number of conditions to choose from but the most important decisions are whether to have this contact exit the sequence (successfully or unsuccessfully) or … to receive the next scheduled message.

It would appear that you can test for multiple conditions prior to exiting or sending your next message. I’m still trying to wrap my tiny brain around all of this, but I have created and tested a frequency on myself. If I can do it, so can you. Read more! And, because I like you, here’s a video🙂 There is also a FREE Nimble webinar on May 30.

The aforementioned video, b.t.w., let slip a couple of other upcoming features … templates for sequences and contact bulk editing. Templates would be great for the uninitiated like myself. I can think of several use cases where bulk contact editing would come in handy!

Adding Contacts to a Sequence

You have  multiple ways to add contacts to a sequence including: from a contact record; from contact lists individually, selectively, or in bulk; from workflows; and from within the sequence itself. A sequence history and status appears in contact records as well!

There are plans for future enhancements that will allow you even more ways to add contact records to sequences. There also appears to be protections against adding a contact to a sequence where they are currently, or were formerly, active. Read on!

Sequencing Reports 

Every sequence that you create includes a report that, among other things, will tell you which contacts are in this sequence and where they are in the process. Here is the 411 on reports.

My Final Thoughts

I am not in a position to compare Nimble’s offering with other platforms as I have no point of reference … I’ve never done this. Creating an effective message sequence, I surmise, will lie in the messages themselves. Sales 101 states that you never check back with a customer and repeatedly ask “Are you ready to sign yet?” That would be … lame. You need a unique reason.

A better route would be to include new important and interesting information in each message, the goals being to create interest and to provide education. Feel free to throw in a CTA (Call to Action), but that should not be the emphasis of your messaging. At least that is how I see it. This recent article in Nimble is pertinent!

Now, with conditions, people will exit your sequence either unsuccessfully (they never responded, hit “unsubscribe”, or they present you with a one-finger salute) or successfully (they have engaged). If they have engaged, now would be the time to move them to individual personalized messaging.

In speaking with the folks at Nimble, I was somewhat surprised, and relieved, to hear that this offering (according to some) is considered to be a sales-centric application. Whew! Emailing at scale to the unwashed 1,000’s would be a marketing application. This is also something that I expect Nimble to explore.

That will do it for this edition. Are you thinking about a CRM? If you would like to explore whether or not Nimble CRM might be right for you, please book a free 30-minute Zoom consultation with me by going to my calendar 

To learn more about our Nimble training and implementation services, please visit our Nimble CRM training services page. Thank you!

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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