Nimble CRM Tips & Updates – October 16 2024 – Sequencing!

Let’s get started! 

Nimble Updates

Watch for a new user interface on your Nimble messages inbox. I have seen and tested this and it’s very nice! Nimble is also working on separating email open and link tracking.

Sequences continued …

I’d like to think that I have been pretty up-front about the fact that my experience with email sequence messaging has, up until this point, been non-existent. For those of you who share this trait, I feel your pain. Literally. 

This has been a huge learning experience and I will endeavor to share my/our challenges and successes as we encounter them.

Email Open Tracking

Regarding email open tracking. I read an article recently that said that Google in particular, but probably other systems, has been taking a dim view of messages that contain open tracking coding. Nimble has confirmed this with me. This could potentially result in spam labeling and/or bounces. Oh joy:(

This means that tracking will likely never be 100% accurate and that has nothing to do with Nimble. If you open that email, that is also tracked. Where this also should be considered is when you are setting trigger conditions for email sequences. For example, one of your options when setting a condition is to watch for email opens. That would rely on open tracking.

Myself, when constructing sequences, I am looking for replies vs. opens and tracking is not necessary for that. I don’t care if you open the email, well I guess that’s better than ignoring it … I want to see you reply so that we can move our conversation to 1 to 1. Food for thought. 

All about bounces and email unsubcribes!

Well, probably not ALL, but at least it’s a start. I’m not sure where each of you may be with deploying email sequences but, working with one client, it’s been a bit of an adventure. At times, both of us have felt like we have been a part of the Nimble support and development teams. We are waiting for our paychecks:)

To paraphrase Tevye in “Fiddler on the Roof” … “This has been no great disgrace, but it has been no great honor either”. Here are a few of the things that we have learned.

Re mystery unsubscribes … 

We submitted a support request to Nimble asking if there might be reasons for a contact to be unsubscribed from receiving emails when the contact has not done this themselves. Here is the response from support.

I’ve done some research on this 🙂

Yes, this may happen in case of hard bounces (this is when an email cannot be delivered due to an issue that constantly repeats) or if the email has been marked as spam (in this case an email platform may treat this as an indication that the user does not wish to receive future messages). 

Also, Gmail or Outlook (and possibly some other email providers) have their own unsubscribe options, which may technically act on behalf of the user.

Additionally, some servers and clients apply filters to protect users from unwanted emails. For example, if the system detects certain patterns, it could automatically remove the user from a mailing list to avoid potential spam.

Best Regards,


Customer Success Associate | Nimble

Wow!! Way more complex than I had anticipated and I greatly appreciated Iryna’s detailed response. Kudos to her!

Next I did a little research on my own regarding email bounces …

Six Reasons for Email Bounces – Note the discussion of hard bounces vs. soft bounces.

What Nimble has to say about bounces – Best practices!

Free email verifier mentioned in Nimble article – Did I mention that this tool is FREE! Well, for up to 25 per day, but you can get 250 per day for under $10 per month!

Based on experiences thus far, I think that the best advice that I can glean is to take the time to carefully evaluate, and to clean, your contact email list for accuracy. If you have not communicated with folks for some time, are they even still at this company? If not, this will have a high bounce tendency. Garbage In, Bounce Out.

One last thing. We have run into occurrences where Nimble has identified that a contact has more than one email and you do need to select one. The oddity was that, in many cases, the two emails were identical with the exception of upper vs. lower case being used. Such as …

CRAIG@ADAPTIVE-BUSINESS.COM vs. or a mix of the two.

Nimble is case sensitive for email addresses but email servers are not. This means that, based on the example above, Nimble sees two different addresses. While researching, it was mentioned that receiving servers may view addresses that are not all lower case as suspicious and this could result in those emails being bounced or marked as spam. Being superstitious …

I’m back in school!

Hopefully, old dogs can learn new tricks. I’m currently up to my eyeballs with reading, testing AI applications (not tools but how to leverage it), and I have joined a mastermind group that is being hosted by a friend and mentor who is a widely recognized expert on digital marketing. My head is about to explode but I’m taking one for the team:)

Bonus – AI in Email Marketing – Best Practices and more! “Winter is coming” (Game of Thrones) and so is AI! Something else will be coming soon … another Nimble webinar that will discuss some possibilities for leveraging Nimble with AI. Watch for it!

Are you thinking about a CRM? If you would like to explore whether or not Nimble CRM might be right for you, please book a free 30-minute Zoom consultation with me by going to my calendar 

To learn more about our Nimble training and implementation services, please visit our Nimble CRM training services page. Thank you! 

Or are you considering leveraging AI for more effective LinkedIn prospecting, or perhaps using advanced marketing in your business, or are you looking at improving your managed I.T. services including security, workflow, and telephony? With so many people talking about these things, it’s tough to figure out who to talk to. 

My area of expertise is Nimble CRM (specifically sales), however, I would be happy to connect you to an AI, managed services, or marketing professional who I know and trust. Please reach out to me at for an introduction!

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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