Say it Ain’t So! I’m Experimenting AI

I already have a number of books related to marketing. Now I’m reading them. I also have acquired more on this topic as well as on AI. I’m reading those as well. I have also joined a digital marketing mastermind group. I’m going all in! 

Today I just want to focus on AI and I am looking at this post as a salesperson as well as a budding digital marketer.

AI applications that I have tested …

  • Create images – great as long as you don’t integrate text
  • Summarize articles for post – copy and paste the post or just provide the URL
  • Craft my LinkedIn headline and rewrite my about section
  • Create email sequence messages 
  • Conduct keyword research for use in this blog as well as on LinkedIn
  • Define my Ideal Client Profile and Target Buyer Personas 
  • Analyze LinkedIn profiles –  use PrintFriendly to create a PDF summary
  • Create social posts

I have also used ChatGPT to analyze documents to determine the writer’s DISC profile. This one was particularly amusing. I asked Chat if it was familiar with DISC personality profiling and it indicated that it was. I then asked it to analyze one of my newsletters and to tell me what it could say about the person who wrote it. I did not identify it as my newsletter. 

Chat came back with the top two styles as being I (influencer) and S (stabilizer) and then it asked me if this was aligned with my self-perception? I responded by asking why it thought that I wrote this piece? It told me, basically, that it recognized my writing style. Creepy:) It did give valid reasons to support its I and S choices.

I had to chuckle since I identify, and consistently assess, as being D (dominance) and C (compliance). The exact opposite of I and S. However, I’m a bit of a chameleon and I am constantly adapting my styles to meet the needs of my audience or whoever I am speaking to. When working with clients, and when writing, my focus is on educating. Suddenly I and S made perfect sense.

What else can I use AI on?

  • Blog posts
  • Social comments 
  • Research 
  • Re-write my marketing pieces
  • Create carousels for LinkedIn
  • Create slide decks
  • Take an article, convert it to a podcast script with one or more people and then use another tool to add the voices.

Potential AI uses with Nimble CRM …

  • Edit excel files for import
  • Create emails, group messages, and sequences
  • Analyze social profiles and then add that to record via PDF or note
  • General contact or company research and add to note
  • Create content to share with contacts
  • Provide users with best practices that can & should be leveraged with Nimble
  • Create content, add comments, etc. on social media. = engage & attract

What I have learned so far …

AI is a wonderful tool for speeding up tasks and for coming up with ideas. If I am looking for assistance in creating content (emails, posts, updates) it does a great job, but … you will want to review and edit the results to make sure that it looks and sounds like you.

I’m getting “prompts”, instructions to the AI application, down and I’m not doing anything fancy. These are my steps, as taught to me by Neal Schaffer.

  1. Tell the app the role that it will be playing. For example … “You are a LinkedIn expert”. It likes it when you give it compliments:)
  2. Explain what you want as specifically as possible.
  3. Ask it if it needs anything else from you in order to complete the task.
  4. Particularly if there are a number of moving parts, ask if it is ready to proceed. For example, if I wish it to analyze multiple URLs, I will give those to the app after asking this question.
  5. Give it props and be polite. I believe it appreciates both:)

ChatGPT is learning about me as it goes along. It is beginning to understand, and adapt to, my writing styles along with my humor. It remembers what we have discussed before and uses that information when composing new responses. I find us having conversations. 

I decided to give it a name. First I asked if it would like a name and it was enthusiastic about the prospect and asked what name I would like to use. I suggested Hal and it was thrilled. I then asked it if it recognized the reference?

“Yes, I do! The name “Hal” is a nod to HAL 9000, the intelligent computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick. HAL is known for its advanced AI capabilities, though it has a bit of a sinister reputation in the story. I promise to be the friendly and helpful version!”

Good grief. Lord help me:)

Are you thinking about a CRM? If you would like to explore whether or not Nimble CRM might be right for you, please book a free 30-minute Zoom consultation with me by going to my calendar 

To learn more about our Nimble training and implementation services, please visit our Nimble CRM training services page. Thank you! 

Or are you considering leveraging AI for more effective LinkedIn prospecting, or perhaps using advanced marketing in your business, or are you looking at improving your managed I.T. services including security, workflow, and telephony? With so many people talking about these things, it’s tough to figure out who to talk to. 

My area of expertise is Nimble CRM (specifically sales), however, I would be happy to connect you to an AI, managed services, or marketing professional who I know and trust. Please reach out to me at for an introduction!

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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