Maximizing LinkedIn for Sales and Social Media Marketing [Book Review]

“Maximizing LinkedIn for Sales and Social Media Marketing” is the second LinkedIn related book by author, consultant, and speaker Neal Schaffer and is a follow-up to his first book “Understanding, Leveraging, & Maximizing LinkedIn” Before I share with you my review of the book, a little background may be in order. LinkedIn was the first, and

A Shift In Focus Exposes My Earlier Strategic Errors

And, I really hate it when that happens.  Since the day I began working with Social Media, I made the decision to be somewhat of a closed networker. At the time, at least, it made sense. I preferred quality over quantity – I still do. Why would I want to connect with people I have nothing in common with? – True & not so true. Social Networking is about discovering new relationships as much as it is about nurturing existing ones. I wanted to concentrate on making local connections –  That’s still true but, this focus is shifting and I’ve done a poor job with that anyway. My B2B networking groups are closed (not open to the public and very discriminating) – This has not changed but, my new services are open and not at all discriminating.

The folly of my previous strategy is exposed …..

  1. I’m preparing to offer workshops and seminars and they will be open to anyone willing to invest.
  2. I will be representing Nimble Social CRM and anybody from anywhere in the world will be able to go to my Nimble Partner Site and sign up for the service.
  3. I am conducting webinars that are open to all.
  4. I may be offering an eBook shortly.
  5. I have several more projects in the works and every new thing that I am doing will require ….