How to Use Social Selling to Crack Major Accounts

Key Account Management is a very complex and comprehensive process that generally addresses what happens after the sale. What we want to explore today is how we can leverage social selling in order to assist us in achieving our goal of breaking into major accounts. Nothing happens until somebody sells something.

It is also important to note that, while any major account opportunity will certainly warrant comprehensive preparation and planning, the basic concepts that we will discuss should be applicable to any sales opportunity.

My experience

I have had the good fortune to work with a number of major accounts during my career and these experiences have taught me a few things …

  • Most of my competitors wanted to break in as much as I did. Go figure.
  • Major accounts tend to be more faithful to their existing vendor until … they fall short.
  • You need to be a recognized commodity before your competitor falters or a need arises. Your chances of showing up at just the right time are nil!
  • You will have to be substantially different, in some manner, in order to garner their attention and their consideration.
  • Referrals to a major account are like a Wonka Chocolate Factory Golden Ticket. These enterprises place a very high value on recommendations from trusted partners. Secure these.

Finally, it is much more preferable to create your own opportunity than it is to answer a cattle call for new proposals. In fact, the only cattle calls I ever answered were the ones that I had a substantial part in defining.


Do your account research and do this before you engage. I want to know who, what, when, where, and why. This is also a part of the pre-qualification process. While this may be a multi-gazillion dollar company, will they buy from you and would you even want them to? You need to build a dossier, target buyer (account) persona.

I am not a huge “tool guy” but, whatever apps you choose will be even better if you use them. There are several social selling business intelligence tools that I would encourage you to deploy. It is important that you become familiar with these prior to the actual engagement process. Here are a few that are free to low-cost …

  • Your website– Social selling is attraction as well as outreach. While it is obvious that your company needs a website, you need one too! A properly crafted LinkedIn profile can serve this purpose and it also includes an integrated (think customer education) blog.
  • Owler– Get up-to-date news on your target accounts.
  • Google search– A good Google search will uncover news and most social profiles in one pass.
  • Google Alerts– Similar to Owler, you can set up alerts for people, companies, and topics.
  • Social networks– Presences for you and your company need to be established, and maintained, but only where your target customers are found.
  • Mention– Among other things, Mention will track mentions of … you.
  • A good CRM and a Social CRM would be even better– A CRM is not a simply an electronic Rolodex. It organizes your notes, your pipeline, your calendar (including reminders), and your next steps!

Read on at Maximize Social Business

Craig M. Jamieson
Craig M. Jamieson is a lifelong B2B salesperson, manager, owner, and a networking enthusiast. Adaptive Business Services provides solutions related to the sales professional. We are a Nimble CRM Solution Partner. Craig also conducts training and workshops primarily in social selling and communication skills. Craig is also the author of "The Small Business' Guide to Social CRM", now available on Amazon!
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