Social Selling Is Still Selling | Via Roanen Barron – Barron PCS

The following is a guest post by a friend and colleague, Roanen Barron with Barron PCS. I am extremely grateful to Roanen for this contribution to this site. Please be sure to read more about Roanen, and how to connect with him, at the end of this article!

Selling hasn’t changed.  We just keep getting better tools.  With the advent of the information and internet age, the tools we use to reach people are advancing; however, the principles of selling remain the same.  Smart phones and social media have increased the circle of people to which exposure can be gained creating viable alternatives to traditional media.  The methodology to attract customers remains the same because people are still people; and, the factors that motivate them to purchase are still the core principles for selling.

 The principle of providing value – both in the product or service one provides and the way that one sells it – remains the guiding force for attracting prospective customers and converting them from digital profiles to business revenue.  It shouldn’t be surprising.  Although the tools and market landscape has evolved, the ultimate target is still the same: reaching people who have the wants and needs that your offering is positioned to fill.  What attracts them offline is also what attracts them online.  Conversely, what turns them off in the “real world” will also repel them in the virtual world.

A Shift In Focus Exposes My Earlier Strategic Errors

And, I really hate it when that happens.  Since the day I began working with Social Media, I made the decision to be somewhat of a closed networker. At the time, at least, it made sense. I preferred quality over quantity – I still do. Why would I want to connect with people I have nothing in common with? – True & not so true. Social Networking is about discovering new relationships as much as it is about nurturing existing ones. I wanted to concentrate on making local connections –  That’s still true but, this focus is shifting and I’ve done a poor job with that anyway. My B2B networking groups are closed (not open to the public and very discriminating) – This has not changed but, my new services are open and not at all discriminating.

The folly of my previous strategy is exposed …..

  1. I’m preparing to offer workshops and seminars and they will be open to anyone willing to invest.
  2. I will be representing Nimble Social CRM and anybody from anywhere in the world will be able to go to my Nimble Partner Site and sign up for the service.
  3. I am conducting webinars that are open to all.
  4. I may be offering an eBook shortly.
  5. I have several more projects in the works and every new thing that I am doing will require ….